Ministry of Finance, Directorate - General of Trade and Investment. Spain  
| 01/05/2003 -

Management of the Information and Consultancy Centre of ICEX

The aim of the Information and Consultancy Centre of ICEX is to support private sector and main stakeholders in their approach to international markets.  It provides highly specialised information and advisory services to non-state actors, in particular Spanish enterprises, as well as other key actors and service providers such as Chambers of Commerce, Business Associations and other entities in the field of international trade and investment.

The Centre is made up of an outsourced specialised unit, comprising trade consultants, telemarketing agents, and support staff.  The rationale of this contract is to manage and strengthen the Centre’s activities, focused on ICEX although acting also as a single window for information and consultancy services provided by other entities under the scheme, such as;

  • Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior).
  • The network of Spanish Commercial Offices abroad.
  • Development Finance Company of Spain (Compañía Española de Financiación del Desarrollo -COFIDES).
  • Credit Insurance Company of Spain (Compañía Española de Seguro de Crédito a la Exportación -CESCE).
  • Official Credit Institute (Instituto de Crédito Oficial -ICO).