Ministry of Trade  
| 05/11/2012 -

Trainning in Negotiation Techniques for the Ministry of Trade Based on the Proposed Partial Scope Agreement Between Belize and Mexico

The rationale of this assignment is to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Trade, Investment, Private Sector Development and Consumer Protection to engage effectively in trade negotiations and conclude agreements in a manner that result in the best possible negotiation outcome for the country.

Negotiating a Partial Scope Agreement with Mexico to establish a legal framework for trade and investments between both parties. It will strengthen the commercial and economic relations through the facilitation, promotion, diversification and expansion of trade by granting preferential margin on tariffs, eliminating non-tariff barriers to trade, and establishing clear regulations on technical and phyto-sanitary measures.

It also develops an efficient, transparent and effective system to resolve disputes arising from activities provided under the Agreement.