Ministry of Economic Development and Trade  
| 01/04/2012 -

Technical Assistance to Support the Tajik Ministry of Economic Development and Trade in the WTO Accession Process

Trade Negotiations

  • Stock-taking of the situation with counterparts and stakeholders after the seventh Working Party meeting.
  • Assessment of the level of implementation of the Action Plan adopted after the sixth Working Party meeting.
  • Preparing and adopting the Action Plan of WTO related activities for 2012 and 2013.

Trade Law

  • Assisting in drafting WTO relevant legislation, most notably the new Law on Foreign Trade Transactions, which regulates foreign trade activities, including trade remedies (antidumping, countervailing, safeguard measures).

Capacity Building

  • Providing guidance for the negotiating team before and during the negotiation sessions in Geneva and also providing on-site logistical support.
  • Assisting in reviewing the draft Working Party Report, as required by the WTO Secretariat.