Customs and Domestic TAx Divisions of the Seychelles Revenue Commission. Trade and Import Divisions of the Ministry of Finance  
| 01/05/2012 -

Reform of Customs Procedures (Technical Assistance to the Integration to the Multilateral Trading System and Support to the Integrated Framework.

The rationale of this assignment is to support Seychelles Customs authorities in their reform efforts, aimed at applying the new WTO-compatible rules on Customs value, import licensing and origin of goods and, furthermore, to align their systems of data and revenue collection with international standards.

The project support is a combination of:

  • Capacity building of the Customs Division and the Tax Division of the Revenue Commission, the Trade Division of the Ministry of Finance, the Import Division of the Policy Division of the Ministry of Finance, the Licensing Authority and Clearing Agents
  • Developing systems and procedures for streamlined Custom operations
  • Training of Custom officers