Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MoEDT)  
| 01/09/2012 -

Provision of Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and the Sue "Single Window Centre" to Monitor the Implementation of the Project "Support to the Establishment of Single Window for Export, Import and Transit Procedures In

The rational of this assignment is to support the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan (MoEDT) in its accession process to the WTO, aimed at finalising multilateral negotiations with the interested Working Party members and, furthermore, at aligning its trade regime with WTO rules and disciplines, and with the best international standards.

The project support is a combination of:

  • Advising the MoEDT throughout the process
  • Building the skills and capacity of the staff of the WTO Department of MoEDT and members of the negotiating team and other relevant ministries and agencies
  • Building the institutional knowledge of the rules and principles of the WTO agreements and sharing the practical experiences and lessons learned by countries that have recently to the WTO

On 10 December 2012, the Accession Package was approved by the WTO General Council. The Republic of Tajikistan became 159th WTO member in March 2013.