Ministry of Foreign Affaires and Ministry for State Reform  
| 01/11/2011 -

Mission Supporting the Special Partnership between the European Union and Cape Verde in the Field of the Technical and Regulatory Convergence

The rationale for this project is to facilitate Cape Verde’s access to the EU internal market and the opportunities for increasing trade provided through the Special Partnership Action Plan (SPAP) by providing them with advisory services to bring their model for the regulation of technical and quality standards into line with EU regulations and procedures.

This alignment embraces all of the key elements of infrastructure that impact on competitiveness.

The project support is a combination of the:

  • Identification of sectors to be prioritised under the SPAP
  • Development of diagnostic tools
  • Assessment of the capacity and capability of existing institutional and regulatory bodies and systems
  • Identification of the compliance gaps with the EU
  • Support for the strengthening of the existing regulatory framework with improved institutional and control methodology and the revision of standards to meet EU requirements