International Technical Assistance to the Design and Application of Central american Common Policies (ADAPCCA)
The rationale for this project is that to contribute to the economic integration process advisory services are required to support the SIECA to stimulate the design, adoption and application of common policies and rules related to the Central American Customs Union. Additionally, the advisory support will increase institutional capacities and facilitate the transformation and modernisation of Guatemala’s productive, technological and social structures, and increase national competitiveness.
The project support is a combination of formulating, harmonising and implementing where appropriate priority policies related to the Customs Union such as:
- Tariffs
- Fiscal Policies
- Commercial Policies specifically including export promotion practices according to WTO
- Phyto-sanitary standards.
- Technical Barriers to Trade
- Investment and Trade in Services
- Dispute settlement
Support is also provided on other complementary policies including competition, intellectual property rights, transport, environment and migration