EU Delegation to Vietnam  
| 01/09/2009 -

Final Evaluation of the Vietnam Human Resources Development in Tourism Project

Programme Review and Evaluation


  • Evaluation of the extent to which the project was consistent and supportive of the policy.
  • Assessment of the design of the project and the validity and coherence of its strategies and activities.
  • Evaluation of the relevance of the overall approach and whether this was in line with the needs and aspirations of the beneficiaries.
  • Review of the Logframe of the project and assessment of the validity and appropriateness of OVI and MOV.
  • Evaluation of the achievements of the project against the expected results.
  • Assessment of the project performance with respect to efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Review of the project management and coordination arrangements, adequacy and appropriateness of the implementation modalities that have been put in place, as well as the quality and adequacy of the TA.
  • Evaluation of the quality of operational work planning, budgeting and risk management and the quality of information management and reporting, and the extent to which key stakeholders are kept informed of project activities.
  • Analysis of the adequacy of the monitoring approach and the results of monitoring activities conducted.
  • Carried out a comprehensive impact assessment on the overall outcomes of the project and its further impact on wider economic development.
  • Assessment of the success and the visibility of the project in raising the profile of the EC in Vietnam.
  • Assessment of the long-term sustainability of the policies and strategies adopted by the project and proposed methodologies to ensure the sustainability of project results.
  • Presentation of the findings and conclusions of the final evaluation in a workshop with the beneficiary and key stakeholders, namely the PMU and the EU Delegation, the Project Steering Committee, project partners and key stakeholders.