Capacity Building within Member States of the Caribbean Forum for ACP States (CARIFORUM) in the Areas of Competition, Procurement and Customs and Trade Facilitation for the Implementation of the EPA

The rationale for this project is that the Member States of the CARIFORUM region face a variety of challenges in implementing the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) signed with the EU and are thus not in a position to fully exploit the opportunities arising from the agreement. Institutional capacity deficits across the region continue to be the main constraint facing the effective implementation of the EPA obligations and the areas of Public Procurement, Customs and Trade Facilitation and Competition have been selected as priorities for capacity building support to be provided through this project, addressing the implementation capacity deficits that exist in the public and private sectors, at national and regional level.
In addition, and as a result, the effective implementation of the CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement will enhance the progress towards the achievement of regional integration including the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME).
Specifically the project will:
Undertake a comprehensive baseline needs analysis throughout the region to establish needs, absorption capacity and training modalities and requirements of the targeted beneficiary institutions. Provide consultancy services in building capacity for public and private sector stakeholders and staff of CARIFORUM regional organisations in the areas of Competition, Public Procurement and Customs and Trade Facilitation in the context of EPA implementation. Prepare training modules and/or programmes, manuals, handbooks and case studies for each thematic area. Implement the project activities through placements and technical training using a collaborative approach, with appropriate delivery modalities. Undertake evaluation and impact assessments.