Statement at the General Council Meeting on the accession of Tajikistan to World Organization

Madame Chairperson of the General Council!
Distinguished delegates of the WTO member states!
Ladies and gentlemen!

Thank you for this opportunity to address you.

Sometimes landmark events take place in the history of each nation which play decisive role in its future life.

Today, the 10th of December 2012, is marked as the most remarkable day in the newest history of independent Tajikistan which lays down a solid ground for further promotion of sustainable socio-economic development in the country.

Taking this opportunity, first and foremost I would like to express sincere gratitude to Tajikistan’s friends and economic cooperation partners in WTO who have supported and stood side-by-side with us along this long and challenging road to accession.

May I also thank WTO Secretariat and Director General Pascal Lamy for the continued and indeed tangible support given in this direction.

At the same time on behalf of the proud Tajik people I wish to extend profound gratitude to donor countries and international organizations for their valuable financial and technical assistance.

It was precisely your support and assistance that we could bring our trade system in compliance with the international trading rules. We look forward to continuing mutually beneficial and productive cooperation in this area.

Republic of Tajikistan has submitted an application to join the World Trade Organization yet 11 years ago.

I believe it was one of the firm and logically right steps forward in a transition of our country to a market economy.

Over this time, the Tajik Government has undertaken series of steps and commitments with the view to bring the legislation of the country in line with the norms and the regulations of the World Trade Organization.

The people and the Government of Tajikistan very much appreciate country’s membership to the WTO.

The principles of WTO, particularly mutual respect of rights and transparency in relations are consistent with acting principles of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The Government of Tajikistan has strong political will and commitment to transition to a market economy, which fully complies with global economy.

Reforms that we have carried out with the guidance and the assistance of the WTO Secretariat in legislation and the economic sector up to now aiming at in integration with multilateral trading system, have ultimately enabled our country confidently integrate in the world economy and into global trading system.

This initiative creates an open, transparent and non-discriminatory environment for domestic and foreign trade activities.

Tajikistan’s major strategic goals are to achieve energy independence, food security and to tackle communication deadlock challenges it faces as a land-locked country.

In order to attain these goals, Tajikistan has embarked on a process of domestic economic reforms and modernization. The immediate objectives of this process have been the establishment of a market economy, an investment-friendly environment, and integration in the global economy.

The WTO accession process has been a major instrument for pursuing these objectives.
This process has helped Tajikistan to implement internationally-recognized best practices and norms of the international trade, and has strengthened the country’s institutional capacity.

However, we consider WTO accession as merely the beginning of a long process.
Republic of Tajikistan as a full-fledged member will comply fully with its accession commitments and the WTO provisions. Tajikistan is equally prepared to participate fully and effectively in the day-to-day business of the World Trade Organization.

Tajikistan as well as looks forward to working with WTO members in a constructive manner and further developing its relationship with the Organization.
Let me assure you that Tajikistan intends to use its WTO membership as a vehicle for fostering the future economic growth and prosperity of the people of the country.

Specific arrangements are already being undertaken in this direction and we intend to host a Trade and Investment Conference in 2013 which will reinforce the positive effects of market liberalization and will send a clear signal to the international community that Tajikistan is open for business and economic cooperation.

Along with that, it should also be pointed out, that Tajikistan was impatiently looking forward its membership to the World Trade Organization and is set to continue its domestic economic reforms based on the terms contained in the accession package documents.

The Tajik Government very much appreciated the recent visit of the Director of the Accessions Division and the Working Group Secretary to our country who presented their views on our accession package.

I would like to reaffirm that accession package documents in general are consistent with the development interests of the country.

Let me conclude by saying, that increased cooperation with the international community and integration in the multilateral trading system are vital for rapidly-growing economy of Tajikistan.

Consensus decision-making is one of the distinctive specifics and the major sources of strength of World Trade Organization.

I on my own behalf and on behalf of the whole Tajik people extend sincere appreciation and gratitude to all member-states for their unanimous support of Tajikistan’s accession to WTO.

Thank you!

Published On: December 10, 2012|