SADC Technical Barriers to Trade Experts receive Certificates of Recognition

The SADC TBT Technical Cooperation Structures’ annual meetings took place from 16 – 20 March 2015 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
The meetings were officially opened on Monday 16 March 2015 by Her Excellency the Minister of Trade in the DRC, Madame Nerfetiti Ngudianza – Bayokisa.
In her remarks to the gathering of nearly 200 delegates, the Minister stressed the importance of regional collaboration in the fight against unnecessary barriers to trade and highlighted the efforts underway in the DRC to enhance access of its products to regional and international markets.
The Minister also handed over certificates of recognition to four Standardization, Quality assurance, Accreditation and Metrology (SQAM) Experts who were being honored for their contribution to the advancement of the region’s efforts to address Technical Barriers to Trade.
The SADC SQAM certificates of recognition were awarded to Mr Othy Kaakunga of Namibia, Mrs Masego Marobela of Botswana, Mr Leandri Kinabo of Tanzania and Mr Brian Beard of South Africa.
Mr Kaakunga was being recognized for the role he played in the development of SADC SQAM structures and involvement in management positions of SADC Cooperation in Standardization (SADCSTAN) and SADC Cooperation in Accreditation (SADCA) in particular. He was also part of the SADCA project team that worked on the establishment of SADC Accreditation Service (SADCAS), and went on to be the inaugural Chairperson of the SADCAS Board of Directors, a position he held for 6 years. During his term as SADCAS Chairman, he contributed to the strategic governance of SADCAS and interacted closely with SADC administrative and technical staff as well as with the political and business leadership of the region in ensuring the positioning of SADCAS as an important regional institution in the fight to enhance unhindered access for SADC goods and services into regional and international markets.
Mrs Masego Marobela was an active member of most of the SADC SQAM Structures prior to stepping down from her latest involvement in SADC TBT work as Vice Chairperson of the SADCAS Board of Directors for 6 years. Earlier she had served in various capacities on the executive committees of SADC Cooperation in Measurement Traceability (SADCMET), SADCSTAN and SADCA.
Mr Leandri Kinabo has just retired from serving the SADC TBT programme as Chairperson of SADCSTAN, a position he served in for 6 years.
Mr Brian Beard has been recognised for his sterling contribution to both the establishment of SADC Cooperation in Legal Metrology (SADCMEL) and over fifteen years as a member of the SADCMEL Committee secretariat.
The Minister also presented a certificate of recognition to the South African Bureau of Standards, SABS, the first time a certificate of recognition has been awarded to an institution. The SABS was being recognised for voluntarily availing the services of Secretariat and Regional coordinator for SADCSTAN for seventeen years ending in 2014 at its own cost.