Implementation of SADC Regional Economic Integration Support Programme starts

On 22 August, a team of experts hired to strengthen SADC ‘s implementation capacity of the REIS programme, presented its inception report to the SADC Secretariat. The event was held at the SADC House and chaired by the TIFI Director, Ms Boitumelo Gofhamodimo.

The inception report reviewed the state of play of regional economic integration in SADC and the situation regarding negotiation and implementation of the EU-SADC Group EPA. The team also made comments on the REIS Global Work Plan and the First Annual Work Plan and outlined its approach to the REIS implementation.

The overall objective of REIS is to promote sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction in the SADC Region. This objective corresponds to the general objective of the SADC Treaty, the RISDP and the various Protocols that constitute the basis of SADC’s Regional Economic Integration Agenda.

The specific objective is to create an enabling environment through the SADC Secretariat to enhance the movement of goods and services within SADC, facilitate investment, and secure WTO compatible market access arrangements between SADC EPA countries and the European Union (EU).

Funded by the EU to the tune of EUR 19.6 million, and SADC (EUR 0.22 million), the REIS Programme is designed to assist SADC to implement the SADC Secretariat’s mandate on promoting regional economic integration and EPAs with the EU. This falls within the 10th EDF SADC-EU response strategy in the area of regional economic integration, which aims to help promote economic integration and the reduction of poverty in the SADC region, through enhanced cooperation and trade between SADC Member States.

On 20 March 2013, SADC and the EU signed the REIS Programme Contribution Agreement (CA) in Maputo, Mozambique. This is the second CA to be signed between the EU and the SADC Secretariat. The REIS programme started on 1 April 2013 and has a four year implementation period.

The programme will strengthen the capacity of the Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment (TIFI) Directorate of SADC to facilitate the further implementation of the Finance and Investment Protocol and SADC Protocol on Trade, conclude the negotiations for the Trade in Services Protocol, conclude and implement the SADC Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the EU, and strengthen overall programme coordination and results-oriented performance management.

The Key Result Areas (KRA) of the REIS are:

  • The implementation of the Finance and Investment Protocol supported
  • The implementation of the regional trade agenda supported
  • The negotiation and implementation of the SADC EPA supported
  • SADC management capacity of the REIS contribution Agreement further strengthened.
  • SADC management capacity of the REIS Contribution Agreement further strengthened.
  • The REIS programme is being implemented by the TIFI Directorate, spearheaded by the Director. TIFI is supported by a team of Key Experts recruited through a tender process and managed by a consortium;
  • Equinoccio and IBF. The team members are:
  • TIFI Director; Ms. Boitumelo Gofhamodimo;
  • The Task Manager and Senior Programme Officer (SPO), TBT KRA2 – TBT/SPS/SQAM: Dr. Elsie Meintjies;
  • SPO, KRA1 – Investment: Ms. Thembi Langa;
  • SPO KRA1 – Tax coordination: Mr. Sadwick L. Mtonakutha;
  • SPO KRA3 – EPA: Ms. Johana Segotlong;
  • Key Expert 1 and Programme coordinator/Team Leader: Dr. Medicine Masiiwa;
  • Key Expert 2 – Investment expert: Mr. Malvern Rusike;
  • Key Expert 3 – Tax coordination expert: Mr. David Hollinrake;
  • Key Expert 4 – TBT/SPS/SQAM expert: Dr. Oswald Chinyamakobvu;
  • Key Expert 5 – EPA Expert: Ms. Emily Mburu (to assume duty on 9 September 2013);
  • Finance Officer, Mr. Cowell Habana;
  • Assistant Administrative and Finance Officer, Ms. Thuto Mogotlhwane;
  • Two secretaries (to assume duty on 1 September 2013);

Short Term Experts (STEs) will be hired whenever there is need.

Published On: August 22, 2013|